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GCU – Herd Market

Project: Grand Canyon University – Herd Stop Market
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Completed: 2019
Foodservice Budget: $950,000
Architect: suoLL Architects
General Contractor: PONO Construction

Info: New campus farm fresh style grocery store offers items such as expanded dairy, dairy-free, farm fresh produce, soy products, almonds, cheeses and gluten-free bread section. The Herd Stop also will include other items unique to campus in a bigger space to accommodate an estimated 3,500 daily visitors among the several apartments new in 2019. A deli counter will serve six different fresh-made sandwiches. A salad bar will be full of toppings not offered elsewhere on campus. Another merchandise case will house fresh Boar’s Head meats. A small dining area with tables flanks a large bulletin board for student announcements and a coffee counter offering lattes and other caffeinated drinks. This grocery store will be one of a kind to the higher education sector.